PSAB Re-exposure Draft – “Employee Benefits, Proposed Section PS 3251”

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Consultation has concluded

PSAB’s Re-exposure Draft (Re-ED) “Employee Benefits, Proposed Section PS 3251” outlines proposed new Section PS 3251.

Our proposals are focused on finalizing principles for the determination of discount rate for defined benefit post-employment benefit plans. We want to improve the understandability of the financial reporting of employee benefits and provide financial statement users with better information for accountability purposes.

Overall, respondents supported the main features of the previously issued July 2021 Exposure Draft. Accordingly, many principles of the Re-exposure Draft remain substantially unchanged from when they were previously exposed in July 2021. In response to feedback, we did determine that amendments to the proposals related to discount rate for defined benefit plans were in the Canadian public interest. Our due process requires limited re-exposure so we can collect your feedback on these proposed amended features.

Your input is crucial to ensuring our final standard meets the needs of the Canadian public sector. Take our short survey today!

PSAB’s Re-exposure Draft (Re-ED) “Employee Benefits, Proposed Section PS 3251” outlines proposed new Section PS 3251.

Our proposals are focused on finalizing principles for the determination of discount rate for defined benefit post-employment benefit plans. We want to improve the understandability of the financial reporting of employee benefits and provide financial statement users with better information for accountability purposes.

Overall, respondents supported the main features of the previously issued July 2021 Exposure Draft. Accordingly, many principles of the Re-exposure Draft remain substantially unchanged from when they were previously exposed in July 2021. In response to feedback, we did determine that amendments to the proposals related to discount rate for defined benefit plans were in the Canadian public interest. Our due process requires limited re-exposure so we can collect your feedback on these proposed amended features.

Your input is crucial to ensuring our final standard meets the needs of the Canadian public sector. Take our short survey today!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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