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Survey 4: New research and standard-setting projects that could be added to the ISSB’s work plan: Human Capital

FRAS Canada values your participation in the research it conducts and will safeguard the information you provide. Survey responses will be used to inform the FRAS Canada and CPA Canada responses to the ISSB’s Exposure Draft.

Through this survey, FRAS Canada collects information on the attributes and demographics of respondents and the organizations they represent. The information collected, including self-identifying information, is solely for the purpose of ensuring diverse, inclusive and balanced representation in our engagements.

Names of respondents will only be used for verification purposes and will not be associated with a particular viewpoint when compiling the responses to the ISSB. Demographic information will be de-identified from respondent names following data collection and will only be made available to those within FRAS Canada and CPA Canada who require use of it for analysis and/or verification purposes. Appropriate data retention and destruction practices will take place following completion of the project.